Maths For Business - Ppt

Internship Report BY Haileluel W

ContentsContents 1 Aims and Objectives1 Aims and Objectives 1 Introduction1 Introduction 1 Linear equations1 Linear equations 1.2 Developing equation of a line1.2 Developing equation of a line 1.2 Special formats1.2 Special formats 1 Application of linear equations1 Application of linear equations 1.3 Linear cost-output relationships1.3 Linear cost-output relationships 1.3 Break-even analysis1.3 Break-even analysis 1 Model examination questions1 Model examination questions


After reading the chapter students must be able to:After reading the chapter students must be able to:  define algebraic expression, equation & linear equation define algebraic expression, equation & linear equation  explain the different ways of formulating or developing equations of a explain the different ways of formulating or developing equations of a line line  understand the breakeven point and its applicationunderstand the breakeven point and its application  define the cost output relation shipdefine the cost output relation ship  explain the different cost elementsexplain the different cost elements


Mathematics, old and newly created, coupled with innovative applicMathematics, old and newly created, coupled with innovative applications of the rapidlyations of the rapidly evolving electronic computer and directed toward management problems, evolving electronic computer and directed toward management problems, resulted in aresulted in a new field of study called quantitative methods, which has become partnew field of study called quantitative methods, which has become part of the curriculum of the curriculum of colleges of business. The importance of quantitative approaches to mof colleges of business. The importance of quantitative approaches to managementanagement problems is now widely accepted and a course in mathematics, wproblems is now widely accepted and a course in mathematics, with managementith management applications is included in the core of subjects studied by almost applications is included in the core of subjects studied by almost all managementall management

students. This manual develops mathematics in the applied context restudents. This manual develops mathematics in the applied context required for anquired for an understanding of the quantitative approach to management problems of the quantitative approach to management problems.

1 Linear Equations1 Linear Equations

EquationEquation :: - A mathematical statement which indicates two algebraic expressions are - A mathematical statement which indicates two algebraic expressions are equal equal Example:Example: Y = 2X + 3 Y = 2X + 3

Algebraic expressionsAlgebraic expressions : - A mathematical statement indicating that numerical quantities : - A mathematical statement indicating that numerical quantities are linked by mathematical operations. are linked by mathematical operations. Example:Example: X + 2 X + 2

Linear equations: - Linear equations: - are equations with a variable & a constant with degree one equations with a variable & a constant with degree one. - - Are equations whose terms (the parts separated by +, -, = signs) Are equations whose terms (the parts separated by +, -, = signs) - - Are a constant, or a constant times one variable to the first power Are a constant, or a constant times one variable to the first power Example:Example: 2X – 3Y = 7 2X – 3Y = 7

However 2X + 3XY = 7 isn’t a linear equation, because 3XY is aHowever 2X + 3XY = 7 isn’t a linear equation, because 3XY is a constant times the constant times the product of 2 variables of 2 variables.