The Instructional Performance Evaluation and Growth System (IPEGS) is the assessment and appraisal system used by all instructional professionals in Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS). IPEGS was developed in collaboration with United Teachers of Dade (UTD) and has been in place since the initial pilot in 2006. Updates and changes to the IPEGS Procedural Handbook (2018 IPEGS Procedural Handbook) have been made as needed to comply with changes in state statue.
IPEGS incorporates statutory requirements with respect to effective teaching practices, student performance, parental input, and school improvement planning as set forth in Florida Statute 1012.34. The goal of IPEGS is to support the continuous growth of each instructional professional by monitoring, analyzing, and applying pertinent data compiled within a system of meaningful feedback.
The primary purposes of IPEGS are to:IPEGS is designed to facilitate instructional personnel in identifying, designing, and reflecting upon their professional performance. Instructional personnel are active participants in the evaluation process through collaborative meetings, input and reflection. For additional information regarding IPEGS procedures and forms refer to the IPEGS Handbook.
Office of Human Capital Management